Introduction to Gjest Baardsen’s gallery

Some of the illustrations in this gallery have been drawn by the artists to illustrate the collections of poems “Gjest Baardsen’s ACHROSTICHON, a twenty-six verse autobiographical ballad and other poems” posted on this website, but also published in paper form. The illustrations were mainly done by the gifted Baltic artist Mikhail Khristoljubov and one or two are by the well-known Belgian graphic artist Frans Masereel. I met Mikhail while living in the west of Norway around the turn of the century when I was working as a professor at Sogn and Fjordane University College. He was living a meager existence in a refugee camp in the region. He spent most of the day weaving magic with just scraps of paper and a cheap ballpoint pen. I only regret that we lost contact, and I wasn’t able to see more of his magnificent creations. Nevertheless, he has illustrated three or more books for me.

I have found other illustrations in books and on the internet, but it is now more than twenty years ago since I collected the illustrations, so I can’t remember the exact sources.

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